Move-DatabasePath error ‘WMI exception occurred on server’

Today I discovered a problem affecting the migration of a database path to a new location in Exchange 2010. After running the Move-DatabasePath cmdlet and specifying the -LogFilePath and -EdbFilePath parameters, I was faced with an error which read:

Failed to connect to target server “DDExch”. Error: WMI exception occurred on server ‘DDExch.DDAD.local’:
Call cancelled
+ CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (DDDB02 Live:DatabaseIdParameter) [Move-DatabasePath], InvalidOperatio
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 6C2ED31B,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.MoveDatabasePath

It turns out that this error is related to having a large quantity of log files in Exchange 2010. The version I am running is SP3 but I am unsure as to whether this makes any difference. I also tried running this in EMC and had the same result.

To resolve this problem, either perform log truncation using your preferred Exchange backup tool, or enable circular logging to truncate the logs. Remember, after enabling circular logging, you will need to dismount and mount the database for it to take effect. I would recommend that you disable circular logging after this and dismount/mount the DB again.

Hope this helps some folk struggling with a database migration.

Tác giả: nothing2lose219

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